Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Birthday, Daddy !

Daddy turns 39 !!! Rachel surprised Daddy with a cutie Baby Pooh cake. Rachel chose and bought it by herself. Two days before the day, Rachel kept saying to daddy : "NO SURPRISE for you Daddy. I dont have anything for you, no cake and present for you !!!!"

We just had dinner at home, and blew the candles after that. As usual Rachel was busy with the cake and candles. She always likes this moment.

Happy Birthday Daddy....From : Mommy, Rachel and Titi.......


sika said...

Aww!!!! as usual, Rach is sooo sweet. ponakan angkat gw :) hahaha. blm minta ijin, udah main angkat ponakan org aja yah, hehehe

suka bgt sama foto ke3. berdua sama daddynya termenung liatin kue. lagi mikir, mo potong, sayaaang, kuenya bagus bgt, hehehe

sika said...

by the way, ci mimi... udah langsing lagi. cepet yah, bagi2 rahasia dong, hehehe. biar aku jg cepet langsing.

kok Leon kaga ikutan di poto?

mommy said...

stanley masih diperut sika.... perutnya ketutupan jadi gak keliatan. hehehe